The 733 Venture Crew is a group of late-teens/early 20's who are exploring personal goals, participating in adventures and learning to be great leaders. This Crew started in December 2020.
In the past two years, the Crew has participated in multiple events -
backpacking in the snow
camping on Mt Lemmon
going to the Flandrau Observatory
cookouts with new members
had an online game nights
attended Camporee,
Also, many of us have worked/are working Summer Camp at Camp Lawton and other Council Events including Camporee
We have close ties with Troop 733 and have participated with them in some of their fundraisers, service activities and camping adventures.
The Crew has GREAT online meetings! We keep it simple and keep it real and enjoy ourselves. We check in with each other at the start of each meeting, talk about things going on in our lives briefly, then accomplish our topic for the night and often end with a game of some sort. Most recently working on Time Management Training and Leadership Training.
How to Join the Crew:
To get started, you have to meet with the Crew President and the Advisor to discuss what Ventures are about, what you'd like to accomplish, etc.
If you're NOT already a scout, then you need to complete the paperwork at (for Crew 733 at St Joseph Catholic Parrish, zip code 85711). If you are a scout, just let the Advisor know and they can enroll you for free.
Attend your induction event! (could be a cookout, a campout or some other fun activity!)
Get started working on your Venture Ranks!