Troop 733 is a group of Middle and High School aged guys working on becoming accomplished scouts. This Troop has been around for 65 years and has always been sponsored by St Joseph Catholic Parish.
Troop 733 is one of the most active Troops in Tucson.
We camp monthly.
We work on development, complete rank advancement and play games most meetings
We do two - three fundraisers a year to earn money for activities.
We attend summer camp at Camp Lawton and other locations.
In years past we have canoed down parts of the Colorado, attended summer camp at Fiesta Island in San Diego, and sledded at White Sands in NM
Our Meetings - We start with a flag ceremony, break up into our patrol groups and discuss up coming activities/responsibilities, do rank advancement activities as a group, play a game and then end with the flag ceremony. Most recently, we have been working on First Aid and the Camping merit badges.
How to Join the Troop:
To get started, come to a meeting and meet the guys and the Scoutmaster to see what it is all about! You can also look online at to get more info.
When you're ready to join, you need to complete the YOUTH paperwork at (for Troop 733 at St Joseph Catholic Parrish, zip code 85711). If you are already in a Venture Crew, skip the paperwork, just let the Scoutmaster know and they can enroll you for free.
Ask your parent if they would be willing to volunteer to help the Troop. If so, they should talk to the Scoutmaster or the Committee Chair, then they can fill out Adult Volunteer paperwork on as well! They can do things like help with fundraising, help with paperwork, go camping with the Troop, and/or teach topics for merit badges.